i love learning. i miss learning. and since photography is my passion i figured it was time to combine the two. this three week class has been such a job and i look forward to it every saturday. the six hours fly by like...well no need for a cliche here...they just FLY BY.
i learned a lot about light and how to utilize it while working in a studio. i learned that i MUST get a set of pocket wizards. i learned how fun it is to hang out and be geeky with other photographers. and i learned how to successfully work with a model in terms of asking for the shots you want.
it was so sweet to be able to look around in someone's studio and learn to use all of the different softboxes and grid lights to achieve the lighting you are looking for. oh yeah--and i learned how to use a light meter...and, more importantly, i learned that i need one asap!
and lets hear it for aaron--our model and fellow photographer. check out his work at: http://www.modelmayhem.com/pics.php?id=359680
the first two pics are of our instructor richard peterson. this cool dude has been in photography for over 40 years. he's worked with such musicians as The Ramones, The Sex Pistols, Iggy Pop, and The Talking Heads. He also worked with various undergrount artists and helped form the visual punk movement. i love his website's tagline: "dangerously creative photography".