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About Me

My photo
I am a family, portrait, wedding and lifestyle photographer. The process of making people comfortable with the camera is just as much of a passion for me as is capturing the moment. It is important to me to make the photo session experience a memorable one as well. I know it's a generic statement but I am passionate about life and the urgency to document the moments as they unfold. Take time to invest in the days of your lives. Call me--I can help! I've created a "book of days" gallery on my website: where I do that for my own life. Hopefully it showcases who I am as a person as well as as a photographer.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Which Come First: Words or Pictures?

A wonderfully talented writer and friend of mine, Lori ( once asked in a post: do you write the blog first and then the title or do you draft the title and create the blog from it? It was a tough question as I was so new to the art of blogging. But now, a few months into this, I can honestly say that neither applies to me. Photos jar me to be inspired to write and the words flow from the images. I "think" in photos more so than words (a total betrayal for a gal with two degrees in English Writing/Literature.) I see a picture, capture it and then spend time editing it and discovering the story within the image. I scrape through the layers of the photo to find the real story.

Lately I have been thinking about time. Simply put, the older I get, the quicker it passes. And factor in being a parent--watching your kids grow--it just seems to pass twice as quick. I look at the photos of what--at the time--seem like regular, normal days in our lives and start thinking about just how archival these days will be in a very short time...which will inevitably pass by...well, quickly. This weekend my oldest son wanted to 'mow the grass with daddy'. I watched in delight as he pushed his toy bubble mower (sans the bubbles) right behind his father step by step, copying his father's every move, until the lawn was finished. It was a peaceful and graceful thing to watch on a regular early summer night in Colorado. Our younger son, being true to himself, wandered off on his own, discovering a bucket of water and a neighboring toy. I shot some images, hoping to capture this 'slice-of-life' evening of ours. While editing the pictures--I scratched deeper and searched for images that were memory-like...archival, if you will. So I added texture to the photos to create the fuzzy-like images I felt were lurking deep within them. And then this story came to mind and urged me to post it!

I want to remember each detail and relish in the simple days of our lives--ones just like these photos remind me of-- watching our sons grow tall and strong in the Colorado sun, in the month of June, in the summer of 2008.


Lori Lavender Luz said...

Those photos are priceless, both for content and texture.

And I enjoyed the explanation of how images, thoughts and words interact for you.

I love the way you show your love for your family in your artwork.

You are awesome, MB.