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About Me

My photo
I am a family, portrait, wedding and lifestyle photographer. The process of making people comfortable with the camera is just as much of a passion for me as is capturing the moment. It is important to me to make the photo session experience a memorable one as well. I know it's a generic statement but I am passionate about life and the urgency to document the moments as they unfold. Take time to invest in the days of your lives. Call me--I can help! I've created a "book of days" gallery on my website: where I do that for my own life. Hopefully it showcases who I am as a person as well as as a photographer.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

dreams and good friends are inextricably linked.

november 2009 has been, by far, the busiest month i have ever had as a photographer. weddings, photo shoots, mini sessions and editing editing editing well into the night. i am not complaining--i've loved every minute of it (aside from the lack of sleep being up so late working on photos to ensure speedy delivery to my clients). it's just so frustrating being so behind on blogging--which i have been for months now.

and even with my two degrees in writing--i still hate writing. (i have never been very good at it). it's late and i am struggling to find words that are interesting enough to create a cool post for this.

s t r u g g l i n g.

but as i sit here at the laptop i am reminded that just earlier today i got to photograph one of my best friends and her family and writing about them is easy-or at least easier. so here goes. (warning the following paragraph contains sappy sentiments. sorry.)

tam's been an amazing source of truth and strength in my life. she's taught me to dream and believe in myself, to capture the passions i have been holding onto for so long and to make my dream real. i treasure her for so many reasons but the most important is that she cheers me on continually. i love her positiveness and kindness and love of life. she reeks of passion and promise and you can't help but be coated with it after spending time with her. and her lovely family are too a joy to be around. fun. laughter. love and life.

here's to you tam and fam. thanks for being such important part of my life. and for helping to push me towards my dream of being a photographer, a better mother and a better person. now--can you just teach this chubby girl yoga???


Fortuitous Photography said...

as usual...your posts are so powerful and wonderfully descriptive, yet succinct. Your friends and clients must be proud to have such wonderful things written about them! Another great one MB!

Lori Lavender Luz said...

Your love for Tam comes through in both your images and words.

What a beautiful family! Radiant smiles!

We are all lucky to have you as our family photographer.

Do yoga with me!